Monday, March 25, 2013

US Fest 83: Motley Crue

I recently posted on the importance that the Motley Crue album Shout at The Devil had on me as a kid found here.  This post will be similar to the last post and will have a live performance from US Fest 83.  On "Metal Day" Motley Crue performed after Quiet Riot.  The performance was right before Shout at The Devil was released.  Below is a great clip of the Crue from that show.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

US Fest 83: Quiet Riot

In a past post I talked about how if I could go back in time to see a concert it would be US Festival in 1983.  The opening act on "Metal Day" was Quiet Riot.  Below is a video of them performing "Cum on Feel the Noise."
